音樂來自甘茶の音楽工房,魔王魂,Wingless Seraph,TAM Music Factory,Hurt Record, MusicScreen,Soundcloud,UMG,Darren Curtis,由衷感謝上述作者/社團/計劃/網站。
# 我的光暈戰記 My Twilight Wars
音樂來自甘茶の音楽工房,魔王魂,Wingless Seraph,TAM Music Factory,Hurt Record,
MusicScreen,Soundcloud,UMG,Darren Curtis,由衷感謝上述作者/社團/計劃/網站
## 快捷鈕 Shortcuts
編輯任務事件表 (Edit Events)
編輯地圖 (Edit Map)
## 多重任務列表
將 appSeasons.ts 設為遊戲進入點,即可支援任務章節/列表。
編輯 seasons.ts 任務列表
Set appSeasons.ts as the entry point to support seasons/mission list.
Edit seasons.ts (Mission List)
# Changelog (marine)
## [v1.0.10](/view/marine/1.0.10) (2021-10-15)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.8](/view/marine/1.0.8) (2021-06-30)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- 更改了音樂
#### Fixed bugs:
- 修復21點的bug
## [v1.0.7](/view/marine/1.0.7) (2021-02-17)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- 技能紀錄改為支綫紀錄
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.6](/view/marine/1.0.6) (2021-02-17)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- 修改了對話描述
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.5](/view/marine/1.0.5) (2021-02-17)
#### Added
- 根據評論進行了優化
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.4](/view/marine/1.0.4) (2021-02-16)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- 新增了未知海域的提示
#### Fixed bugs:
- 修正了對話
## [v1.0.3](/view/marine/1.0.3) (2021-02-16)
#### Added
- 根據評論進行了優化
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.2](/view/marine/1.0.2) (2021-02-15)
#### Added
- 根據評論進行了優化
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.1](/view/marine/1.0.1) (2021-02-15)
#### Added
- 新增了重大委託和技能紀錄
#### Changed
- 修改了一下數值
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.0](/view/marine/1.0.0) (2021-02-15)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.0](/view/marine/1.0.0) (2021-02-15)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## Authors